Desperate Magic Archer

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Pete, Duke and Yaotl Desperate Synergy 106 82 16 3.0
Inspiration for
None yet

SergSel · 328

This is an update with EotE cards for the fun desperate archetype. Pete is one of the best, if not the best, investigators for desperate cards and the latest release gives him some cool new toys. The deck is for a flex role in either solo or multiplayer.

More about the archetype is here: So, what are the changes?

First of all, In the Thick of It lets you take 2 mental trauma from the start and have desperate cards always online. No need anymore for St. Hubert's Key as enabler. And from scenario 1 you have 2x Yaotl and, I think, Flare.

With XP from Scenario 1 you buy Enchanted Bow and become a magic archer! You can now shoot magic arrows at enemies at your or connecting location. And lots of cards in the build boost your willpower. Also throw away the cards to use Duke or Yaotl or Enchanted Bow more. And then redraw with Nothing Left to Lose.

The other aspect is that this is a (surprise!) rich Pete deck, what with Lone Wolf and again Nothing Left to Lose. The payoff for the that is new Plucky. Level 3 version is a fast 0 cost asset with 2 stat boosts. to shoot with the bow and defend against treacheries, to help Duke investigate and make "Ashcan" Pete able to investigate some low-shroud locations by himself. And when you need a boost just throw money into Plucky. By the way 3 Horror soak is also good. Oh, I lost my plucky... Nevermind, Resourceful.

I ran nearly the same build true solo throgh Web of Dreams campaign on standard and completed it successfully, while having a lot of fun.

Level 0 deck looks something like that:

Thanks for reading!