Disengaging does not exhaust an enemy.
You can play Elusive to move to another location even if you're not engaged with any enemies.
You can move to any revealed location with no enemies, not necessarily a connecting one.
- You must move when you play Elusive, as it is not a 'may' effect, unless there is no legal place to move to or a rule effect forbids movement.
Coste: 2.
Rápido. Juega esta carta sólo durante tu turno.
Deja de estar enfrentado a cada Enemigo enfrentado a ti y muévete a un Lugar revelado que no tenga Enemigos.
Latest Taboo
This card now reads: "Disengage from each enemy engaged with you and move to a connecting location with no enemies."

Cartas relacionadas
- Elusive (Revised Core Set #50)
(from the official FAQ or responses to the official rules question form)Reviews
For characters with weaknesses that force them to travel to distant locations (e.g. Searching for Izzie or Smite the Wicked), this card could be invaluable. As the FAQs note, you can move to any revealed location with no enemies - rather than having to move location to location. This can get you to your weakness location - and back again - much more quickly.
2 copies for Jenny Barnes seems an obvious choice.
The V.1.9 June, 2021 Rules including new Taboo includes a new rule for this card:
It is back at 0 XP but does not bring you multiple locations away.
The effect is now limited to a connecting location, against a revealed location as initially released in 2016, limiting the potential for huge action contraction.
Let's look at its worth as of June 2021:
Cost: 1 draw + 0 action + 2 resources = 3 actions
Effects: Testless disengage (therefore not exhaust) from X enemies + move to one connecting location = X+1 actions
Results: This card is interesting if:
• You have low (Hey Leo) and access to cards.
• You have the intent of regularly having more than 2 enemies engaged with you (On the Hunt, Taunt, Riot Whistle, etc...)
• You want to start TFA
• You play in Hard/Expert and want Testless actions
• [SPOILER] You tend to be looking for Strangers or Family members and want some help
This card is NOT interesting in case:
• You create a deck around exhaustion: Sneak Attack, .25 Automatic, etc...
• You play it as your last action on a hunter enemy, it won't save you from the attack
• You have high and have access to Nimble or the 's Survival Instinct
This is a well done Taboo, the card is not a stapler anymore, becomes interesting in some decks, not so much in others, more interesting in certain campaigns, less in others. Well balanced!
The other review covers what this card does, but it doesn't communicate how lovely it is. It's fast and lets you pull agro that can save lives. Seriously. A single run of Carnevale of Horrors will make this card shine. I'd love an upgrade that causes exhaustion or reduces cost even further.
EDIT: Disregard.
After re-reading the timing chart I've noticed there is a player window between Hunter enemies moving and enemies making an attack, which means it is possible to make the enemies move and elude them afterwards. This is useful in some scenarios with out-of-the-way locations.
It’s hard to tell if this is actually worth two XP. It’s a teleport for free and zero actions that I can get you anywhere except to the boss. But there aren’t a ton of situations where you just want to ignore all your responsibilities and get to the end when that end doesn’t have a resign ability. And if that point, "I’m outta here" is cheaper. As a panic button, it’s pretty great, but for 3XP more, will you eventually get cheat death instead?