Traición. Debilidad



Revelación - Agota todos los Apoyos que controles y pon Roto por las pesadillas en juego en tu zona de amenaza.

Los Apoyos que controles no pueden prepararse.

: Descarta Roto por las pesadillas.

Colin Boyer
El legado de Dunwich #15.
Roto por las pesadillas


(from the official FAQ or responses to the official rules question form)
Last updated


I think the FAQ

Any investigator at the same location as "Ashcan" Pete with Wracked by Nightmares in his threat area may trigger the to discard it, as per the FAQ [V1.0, section 2.1].

Is wrong, first it's section 1.2 in the newly released FAQ (V1.2), and it does state

An investigator is permitted to use triggered abilities ( , , and abilities) from the following sources:

  • Any card that explicitly allows the investigator to activate its ability.

which it does not since Wracked by Nightmares reads

: Discard Wracked by Nightmare

and further

  • A scenario card that is in play and at the same location as the investigator. is includes the location itself, encounter cards placed at that location, and all encounter cards in the threat area of any investigator at that location.

which also does not apply here, since this is not an encounter card.

But... this is an encounter card; specifically a Treachery. Weaknesses in player decks are not investigator cards, even though they start in your deck. — SGPrometheus · 827
Also every weakness that has a similar effect works this way — SGPrometheus · 827
You missed something... The same section states: A scenario card that is in play and at the same location as the investigator. This includes the location itself, encounter cards placed at that location, and all encounter cards in the threat area of any investigator at that location. — KptMarchewa · 1
Ok, sorry, I got it. Two points from Weakness section: — KptMarchewa · 1
"When an investigator draws a weakness with an encounter cardtype (for example, an enemy or a treachery weakness), resolve that card as if it were just drawn from the encounter deck." and "Weaknesses with an encounter cardtype are, like other encounter cards, not controlled by any player. Weaknesses with a player cardtype are controlled by their bearer." It follows that weakness cards should be treated as a encounter card. — KptMarchewa · 1
Noticed another interesting point of view. "A SCENARIO CARD that is in play and at the same location as the investigator". Scenario card is not defined by rulebook. So, if this weakness is not treated as encounter card, not a scenario card and not controlled by any player, then there is no rule that allows us to activate this cards ability. Weakness paradox :) — KptMarchewa · 1
The original review is correct: — youjon5 · 1
Why? Thematics + Grim Rule — youjon5 · 1
A scenario card is any card not controlled by the player. EVERY card is under control, either by the player or by the scenario. This includes: — PanicMoon · 2
Treachery cards, enemies, locations, acts, agendas, assets, events, skills, investigators. If you want an easy rule if thumb On weaknesses, look for the “Treachery”; if it’s there, any investigator at the location can interact with it (Angered Spirits), if not, it’s solely for the investigator to deal with (The King in Yellow). — PanicMoon · 2
One last note: Narcolepsy. If the existence of this card doesn’t make the creator’s intent clear to you, nothing will. — PanicMoon · 2
Does this exhaust all assets, or all assets that possess 'exhaust' text on the card. I know the main target of this is our good boy Duke, but what about Dark Horse, which isn't a card that would normally exhaust? — MicNic · 530
It exhausts only cards that exhaust as a cost of action. Note the FAQ — shenaniganz11 · 40