


Oleada. Peligro.

Revelación - Añade la Canción del psicopompo a la zona de amenaza de cualquier investigador.

Obligado - Cuando fueses a recibir 1 o más puntos de daño: Recibe 2 puntos de daño adicionales y descarta la Canción del psicopompo.

Stanislav Dikolenko
Sangre en el altar #221. Sangre en el altar #29-30.
Canción del psicopompo


(from the official FAQ or responses to the official rules question form)
  • Psychopomp's Song reads "When you would take 1 or more damage: Take 2 additional damage..." This means that this effect is essentially modifying the amount of damage you were about to take (but have not yet taken, as this is a "when..." effect). If you were about to take 2 damage and then Psychopomp's Song caused you to take 2 additional damage, you could cancel all 4 of it with "I've had worse…".

  • Note that this would be different if Psychopomp's Song read something like "After you take 1 or more damage: Take 2 damage" or something like that.
Last updated


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