Palcos - Reverso

Una escalera alfombrada lleva a los palcos. Extrañamente, una corriente de aire caliente baja por la empinada subida.


Velo: 2. Pistas: 1.

Obligado - Después de que realices una acción de movimiento durante la que te muevas de los Palcos al Teatro: Recibe 2 puntos de daño.

Victoria 1.
Para vuestra decepción, las secciones de los palcos están igual que el piso inferior, aunque de vez en cuando creéis ver una silueta que se mueve silenciosamente en los pasillos.
Mark Molnar
El camino a Carcosa #51. Se cierra el telón #11.


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The world building in Arkham is always very good, but you need to use some imagination to understand why some cards say what they do. In this case, jumping from the balcony directly to the ground floor would definitely hurt, so you need to take 2 damage. It's those little things behind the card text that make them so great.

antonior · 6
Cinematically, if you move without a move action, such as with Shortcut, Pathfinder, or Elusive, you don't take damage! — Death by Chocolate · 1487
In a recent game, someone did jump off the balcony to get away from a hunter. I was so happy; it was like having a little checkbox on my personal "Arkham Achievements" list checked off. — LivefromBenefitSt · 1073