


Revelación - Realiza una prueba de (3). Si fracasas, descarta cartas de la parte superior del mazo de Encuentros hasta que sea descartado un Enemigo. Debes robar ese Enemigo, o bien ese Enemigo te ataca (desde la pila de descartes). Si no es descartado ningún Enemigo, en lugar de eso recibe 1 punto de horror.

Sebastian Rodriguez
El fantasma de la verdad #224. El fantasma de la verdad #27-29.
Destino fatal


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Very interesting. A Phantom of Truth actually feels like it has a fairly low enemy count (basically just the 7 Byakhee), so this helps pull them out, preventing the encounter deck from turning into just a constant stream of treacheries. At the same time, there's a test to avoid it, so if you need to, you can try to pass the test to avoid dealing with the enemy. I don't like this as much as Hunted by Byakhee (which isn't blocked as easily by ), but it's still a creative way to mitigate the quest's low enemy count.