Q: Does Perseverance only cancel the damage/horror that would defeat you, or the entirety of the 'hit'? A: Perseverance would cancel up to 4 of the damage/horror just assigned to you, as long as any of that damage/horror would defeat you. Perseverance says: "Fast. Play when you are assigned damage and/or horror that would defeat you. Cancel up to 4 of that damage and/or horror.” It’s important to note that the first part just notes the timing and conditions under which the card can be played, whereas the second part is the actual effect. Let’s say you have 2 health remaining and are assigned 4 damage. Perseverance can be played in this instance, because the 4 damage you are assigned would defeat you. You then resolve the effect, which is to cancel the 4 damage. The effect does not say to cancel only the damage in excess of your remaining health; it just says “that damage,” referring to the damage that was just assigned to you.
Coste: 2.
Rápido. Juega esta carta cuando se te asigne daño y/u horror que fuese a derrotarte.
Cancela hasta 4 puntos de ese daño y/u horror.

Hang in there Calvin! Help is on the way!
I love playing Calvin, but lets face it... it can be really hard to cling to life by the end game in some scenarios. Adding this to his toolkit helps him out immensely.
I think Wendy can also find some use for this as her weakness can sometimes hit her hard out of nowhere.
Ashcan Pete can like it, but usually is okay without it, like Yorrick.
Agnes likes it for when she is on the ropes.
and the upcoming Sylas Marsh really likes it due to his low sanity score.
Really the only bad thing I can say about the card is that it doesn't play well with Dark Horse due to its 2 resource cost.
But it is worth an include in many decks until you can upgrade into devil's luck.
This works well for any investigator that needs to hang on with low sanity and/or health. The two willpower icons make sure that this is not a dead card even if you are doing well. Could replace Guts in some decks.
I played Perseverance in a solo Zoey Samaras deck with great success. Her 6 sanity isn't much, and a few failed Smite the Wickeds makes you weep. Would have saved me from spoiler, but another spoiler prevented playing it! As a thematic bonus the art kinda looks like Zoey.