
Humanoide. Bruja.

Combatir: 2. Salud: 2. Evitar: 2.
Daño: –. Horror: 1.

Revelación - Descarta las 2 primeras cartas del mazo de Encuentros. Si este efecto hace que el mazo de Encuentros se quede sin cartas, roba la primera carta Maleficio de la pila de descartes de Encuentros.

Los cultos secretos a los que se entregaban esas hechiceras guardaban y transmitían frecuentemente secretos sorprendentes desde antiguas… olvidadas épocas… — H. P. Lovecraft, Los Sueños de la Casa de la Bruja
Andreia Ugrai
El círculo roto #90. Aquelarre de Anette #1-3.
Iniciada del aquelarre


(from the official FAQ or responses to the official rules question form)
  • Q: There is some confusion as to when to shuffle the encounter deck: According to the RR: > If the encounter deck is empty, shuffle the encounter discard pile back into the encounter deck. There is a ruling from 'Smite the Wicked' which says: > Generally, you reshuffle the encounter discard pile into the encounter deck when it is empty, but not while you’re resolving an effect. I see that any effect that interacts with the deck (such as Parallel Fates) would wait to shuffle until after the card resolves; but: If I draw my card during the Mythos phase, emptying the deck, do I shuffle immediately; and thus my drawn card is the first card of the new discard pile? Or do I resolve the drawn card first, making it the last card of the old discard pile, then shuffle? A: When you draw the last encounter card during the Mythos phase, you should resolve it first, then place it in the discard pile, then shuffle the pile into a new encounter deck.
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