- Q: There is some confusion as to when to shuffle the encounter deck: According to the RR: > If the encounter deck is empty, shuffle the encounter discard pile back into the encounter deck. There is a ruling from 'Smite the Wicked' which says: > Generally, you reshuffle the encounter discard pile into the encounter deck when it is empty, but not while you’re resolving an effect. I see that any effect that interacts with the deck (such as Parallel Fates) would wait to shuffle until after the card resolves; but: If I draw my card during the Mythos phase, emptying the deck, do I shuffle immediately; and thus my drawn card is the first card of the new discard pile? Or do I resolve the drawn card first, making it the last card of the old discard pile, then shuffle? A: When you draw the last encounter card during the Mythos phase, you should resolve it first, then place it in the discard pile, then shuffle the pile into a new encounter deck.
Revelación - Pon el Pasado maligno en juego en tu zona de amenaza si no hay ninguna copia de él en tu zona de amenaza (si la hay, en lugar de eso descarta el Pasado maligno y obtiene Oleada).
Obligado - Cuando el mazo de Encuentros se quede sin cartas: Recibe 2 puntos de horror y realiza una prueba de (3). Si tienes éxito, descarta el Pasado maligno.

(from the official FAQ or responses to the official rules question form)Reviews
I had this in play and drew the last card of the encounter deck, which was also Evil Past.
I resolved it this way: Forced Effect of the Evil Past in play triggers first, I take the horror and make the test and passed it, discarding Evil Past. Then I shuffled the discaed pile back into the encounter deck and afterwards the second Evil Past resolves and enters my threat area.
Please let me know if that is correct.