Puerta del santuario - Reverso

Hay una puerta de hierro sin ninguna marca tras un arco de piedra. Os tienta con secretos ocultos y verdades escondidas.


Logia. Santuario.

Velo: 3. Pistas: 2.

Obligado - Cuando acabe la ronda: Cada investigador y cada Apoyo Aliado que esté en la Sala de ceremonias recibe 1 punto de horror directo. Cancela este efecto si un investigador que esté en la Sala de ceremonias controla la llave .

Victoria 2.
En el centro de la sala hay un altar de piedra en el que hay adornos tallados. La sangre sale del altar mediante varios canales que vierten en el suelo de mosaico de piedra.
Robert Laskey
Por el bien común #214. Por el bien común #18.
Sala de ceremonias
Sala de ceremonias


No faqs yet for this card.


So you're playing your game as normal. You've completed the first two acts. You know what you need to do to complete the third and final act. There are three enemies on the board and two MAYBE three more rounds worth of doom left on the agenda. It's tight, but you can win if you just stick to the plan. And then you look and there's these two locations that don't seem to have anything to do with the scenario. Why is this even here? And you read the text on the back...

I don't imagine a lot of people would be reading reviews of individual location cards on here, but this particular one is proof of how brilliantly this game is designed. The creaters knew exactly what both the game state and your own state of mind would be when you are considering going there. In its first play through, it stokes the players' curiosity and their willingness to risk it all just to learn a bit more. The text on the back is just perfect. It knows who you are and speaks directly to your investigative gamer's soul.