


Revelación - Si hay 1 o más copias de Nyarlathotep en tu mano, revélalas. Cada una te ataca y es devuelta al mazo de Encuentros (barájalo). Si Nyarlathotep está en juego, se mueve y ataca como si fuera la fase de Enemigos. Si ninguna copia de Nyarlathotep ataca como resultado de este efecto, Innumerables formas obtiene Oleada.

Borja Pindado
Donde moran los dioses #318. Donde moran los dioses #35-36.
Innumerables formas


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Brutal during Act 4, but usually actively beneficial during Act 5 since it causes exhaustion before the investigation phase, and so turns off attacks of opportunity (extremely relevant if massive, and also for retaliate). This is due to the "attacks as if it were the enemy phase" wording.


Q: If an effect causes an enemy to move/attack "as if it were the enemy phase" (e.g. Dhole Tunnel, Myriad Forms), does the enemy exhaust after doing so? (The wording on Ravages of War [from War of the Outer Gods] implies that, without such wording, the enemy would indeed exhaust.)

A: Yes, with the rules as written, if an enemy attacks “as if it were the enemy phase,” they would have to exhaust after performing the attack (unless otherwise specified). Cheers,

MJ Newman

anaphysik · 96
Agreed. They "fixed" this regarding the "Spectral Watcher" in "Return to TCU", so it's likely, they will do the same in the next Return-box. — Susumu · 372