Tristan Botley
Hombre para todo a sueldo

Apoyo. Aliado

Aliado. Criminal. Maldito.

Coste: 5. PX: 2.

Salud: 3. Cordura: 2.

Después de que comience tu turno: Elige 2 habilidades. Hasta el comienzo de tu próximo turno, recibes +1 a cada una de esas habilidades.

Después de que termine cualquier prueba de habilidad en la que hayan sido reveladas 3 o más fichas o : Juega a Tristan Botley desde tu mano sin coste.

Nada volverá a ser igual, Vito.
David Hovey
Horror a toda máquina #194.
Tristan Botley


No faqs yet for this card.


Tristan is expensive, but Preston doesn’t mind expensive. For some, he can function simply as a Darkhorse that provides soak. (And they stack.) But the rogue card people associate most with two stats is lockpicks, which Finn and Trish would appreciate a perma +2 with. Playing him for free will require a table wide commitment to fill in the bag, or not trap all the tokens for other uses. At worst, it’s a little upside when someone pulls three blessed tokens in a row. If someone has two Favors in play, the trigger becomes “when a test involves a blessed or cursed symbol“ which is inevitable.

MrGoldbee · 1470
Good in Sefina if you're running a lot of the Mystic and Rogue stat-adding events. Olive can help you trigger his reaction ability. LCC (3) can reward you for overachieving — Zinjanthropus · 229
A stabby-shooty-Dexter may like this to get a rare +1Will / +1Combat combo, if you prefer that over the +1 stat / (utility ability) that most of his allies offer. — HanoverFist · 739
The problem with Tristan and Lockpicks is that Lola Santiago already provides the two stats you need. Tristan might have an added 3XP tax on him in many Rogues for that reason(Charisma). However, someone like Leo Anderson might really like Tristan. — StyxTBeuford · 13028
In an all Rogue Party, Lola's taken! — MrGoldbee · 1470
Interesting econ card when paired with Calling in Favors? — dubcity566 · 111
Smart, Dub! — MrGoldbee · 1470

In case you haven't noticed, this guy does not have an ally slot symbol printed on him. Which makes him really great in my opinion. Yeah he is expensive, but you can pair him with other allies without needing charisma

flooze · 7
Dunno where arkhamdb gets its card images, but he does have ally slot in the release article (he didn't when the article first came out but it was fixed a few days later) and I believe he does have an ally slot in print. So I'm afraid he does take an ally slot — NarkasisBroon · 10
I check my copy, and he has ally slot. I guess that the draft omited his slot and fixed, but draft version was upload at cardgamedb. — elkeinkrad · 499
Maxime confirmed he’s supposed to have one as well — StyxTBeuford · 13028
Well it would have been too much I guess. Hopefully someone here can change the image — flooze · 7

With the release of Parallel Jim and the introduction of his SPIRIT DECK! I think it's worth considering Tristan in a new way. Para Jim provides curse payoff by recharging your assets and when you're going all in on Curse you may get a free play of Tristan.

However, I want to talk about the spirit deck. Every turn, Jim flips the top card and puts it into play WITHOUT PAYING ITS COST. Granted, if you're ever at 4 allies in play attached to The Beyond you're likely to discard him. Even so, you get to put him into play for nothing and get a +1 to two skills of your choice.

We can actually game this with allies like Beat Cop, Stray Cat, Mysterious Raven, and Priest of Two Faiths whom we can discard on command we can stretch the amount of time Tristan is in play for.

So for parallel Jim I'd say this: If you're going all in on curse, main deck this man and his dog, if you're NOT going all in on curse, turn him and his dog into helpful ghosts!

Neifarious · 42

Some rough math on Tristan's reaction ability, ignoring bag-manipulation/Favor/Covenant/etc effects:

With 10 total bless/curse remaining in bag during the current test, there's about a 5% chance of triggering him.

With 15 total, there's about a 10% chance.

With all 20 in the bag, there's about a 15% chance.

(For a base 16-17 token bag.)


(Personally, I've only ever seen him get played full-price, but even then the effect is quite strong and flexible, and is an especially reasonable choice for small-collection investigators looking for a generically-useful ally.)

anaphysik · 95
You can somewhat engineer it using cards like Favor of the Sun/Moon — StyxTBeuford · 13028
Also if it's 5% per test the investigators take that adds up quickly. There's a better than 50% chance you will be able to put him in for free over 14 tests. Which in for player is potentially just like 2 turns — NarkasisBroon · 10
Only assuming you don't draw any bless or curses during the 14 tests except the one you succeeded on. In practice you'll be depleting the blesses and curses in 1s and 2s. — suika · 9483
@suika Correct, which is why I focused on a simple at-this-very moment calculation. If the group can consistently keep the bag stocked with both bless and curse (keeping it stocked with only one is worse odds than relying on Elder Sign / Autofail on your tests), THEN repeated-test probabilities play a role. But that's a vastly more complicated analysis. — anaphysik · 95
It’s relevant though because groups can very easily keep the bag filled. — StyxTBeuford · 13028
My group saw him played for free 3/4 scenarios he was in. In 4 player with dedicated bless and curse tech, he will show up with a little patience. — LaRoix · 1645

Fun fact: This card can be used together of On Your Own, which can be quite nice as an additional soak with a neat effect. However, this card wants to be in a Blursed deck and the only investigators with access to both Tristan, On Your Own and Survivor Events are Bob Jenkins, Charlie Kane and Wendy Adams, and only the later really benefits from this Archetype.

Temmye · 1
No it can't. Seems, they still not fixed the wrong preview picture on ArkhamDB. The printed versions use an ally slot. — Susumu · 371
See the comments on the review with 6 hearts for reference. — Susumu · 371