Q: Can you use "Lucky" Penny to seal tokens you have treated as tokens on Nephthys? Since the lasting effect caused by "Lucky" Penny has no explicit expiration, what happens? And if you can seal them on Nephthys, would they still count as tokens for the full time that they are sealed on Nephthys, so could you use her ability to release/return them to the supply? What would happen if "Lucky" Penny were to leave play while there were tokens treated as tokens sealed on Nephthys (if they can be sealed on her)? A: Though you are able to use “Lucky” Penny to treat tokens as tokens, this will only last for the duration of the skill test you’re using “Lucky” Penny on. Once they’re sealed on Nephthys (as the skill test ends), they will be considered tokens again, and cannot be released via her ability.
Q: If Zoey Samaras activates her "Before you reveal chaos tokens during an attack, remove 3 tokens from the chaos bag: This attack deals +1 damage. (Limit once per round.)" and then reacts with Nephthys "When 1 or more [bless] tokens would be removed from the chaos bag during a skill test: Seal them on Nephthys, instead.", have the removed tokens still been removed to satisfy the cost of Zoey? A: No. The ability on Nephthys replaces the removal of tokens from the chaos bag with sealing them; if you use it, you will not satisfy the cost on Parallel Zoey’s free triggered ability. (February 2024)
Cazadora de Bast
Apoyo. Aliado
Aliado. Bendecido.
Coste: 3. PX: 4.
Recibes +1 .
Cuando fuesen a ser retiradas 1 o más fichas de la bolsa de caos durante una prueba de habilidad: En lugar de eso, séllalas sobre Nephthys.
Agota a Nephthys: Libera 3 fichas selladas sobre ella o bien devuelve 3 fichas selladas sobre ella a la reserva de fichas para infligir 2 puntos de daño a un Enemigo que esté en tu Lugar.

(from the official FAQ or responses to the official rules question form)Reviews
If you’re wondering why Sister Mary is in Guardian, this is why. Passive enemy extinction. Even in a fast game, Sister Mary will add 12 to 17 tokens to the bag just by existing. And until you have allies like Nephthys or a covenant, you’re going to cringe anytime someone draws a double bless. (Unless you have blessing of Isis.*)
Now, you want your allies to draw blesses! It lets you explode enemies, even more effectively than guard dog(2). +1Will is OK, and you could even teamwork this ally to a mystic, because it doesn’t matter where the Blessed tokens come from as long as they get used. There is another combo with this. Holy rosary (2) wants you to pass every willpower check you get. Bast’s faithful helps out. You handle this, first watch, and I'll Handle This! allows you to cycle tokens through the bag even faster. Enchanted weapon also wants your willpower to be increased. There’s plenty to elevate Mary even without spells.
At 4XP, Nephthys is extremely expensive for an ally. Cycle hard, get her out early, and melt foes. Neph is best (Bast?) at high player counts, where blessings will be drawn continually.
*It’s worth noting that there’s an anti-synergy between this card and blessing of Isis. Nephthys wants tokens taken out of the bag. Isis keeps them in there, and if you’re Mary increases them. You could take both, and on a larger team someone could take the other. But they go in different directions, so don’t spend your XP on both at once.
Spring 2024 edit: New bless tech, like Blessed Blade (4), make the huntress even deadlier. You don't need to run a covenant with this combo.
Dealing 2 damage (to an elite or foe engaged with ally) as a free action is very powerful!
I'm looking at this as a fun new ally for Leo Anderson to build around! Earlier Leo got Priest of Two Faiths to add free tokens. With [Tempt Fate] you can add a lot of tokens quickly.
Confused on this wording: "Either release 3 tokens sealed on her, or return 3 tokens sealed on her to the token pool..."
Unclear why someone would not always want them to release them back into the chaos bag. This cycles the tokens so you can seal them back on her later.
Something unexpected happened when playing this card with Sister Mary in a 2 investigator team. We had all 10 bless tokens in the chaos token bag/sealed within a few turns of starting the game, thanks in part to a Keep Faith and a few activations of Blessed Blade. Then, with Nephthys down, there were no bless tokens in the token pool for the rest of the game, so I could not activate my Holy Rosary (2) and Sister Mary's end of the round power didn't do anything. I should probably just feel thankful that Nephthys was working full power, but this made me realize that Nephthys is probably even more helpful if you want to "go blessed" with an investigator that doesn't have Mary's built in power, since she (Nephthys) traps the bless tokens forever as long as she is in play, which greatly enables bless-related effects. At the least, I would probably forego most of the cards that add/save bless tokens to the bag if you choose Nephthys, because it can become redundant pretty fast.
This card is way too strong I doubt I would ever want to play it again. Bless in bag not going to go down and keep recycling into damage after you played this cat girl. Give me almost Cyclopean Hammer vibe ngl.