Traición. Debilidad



Revelación - Mueve 1 ficha de Perdición de un Apoyo que controles al plan en curso. Esto puede hacer que el plan en curso avance. Si no se ha movido perdición de este modo, añade Silencio ensordecedor a tu mazo y baraja éste.

Adam Doyle
Las llaves escarlata Expansión de investigadores #14.
Silencio ensordecedor


No faqs yet for this card.


Auto include in any Amina deck. One of the most common issues with playing a doom-based deck is that your fellow investigators will complain that your cards are adding to the doom total. Deafening Silence solves this problem by moving the doom off of your cards.

SorryLaurie · 607
Unfortunately, Marie can't take it. :) — Susumu · 372

The flavor text at the bottom is a simple substitution cypher. It can be decoded using the Agenda cards from the last scenario of the Scarlet Keys campaign.

The text says: "I can hear you too, Amina."

If you are interested, I've posted the decoded text from all the cards here:

red.hexapus · 28