
Objeto. Herramienta. Ciencia.

Coste: –.


Permanente. Sólo para el mazo de Kate Winthrop.

Obligado - Después de que se coloque una pista en el Estabilizador de flujo: Busca entre tus cartas enlazadas o en tu pila de descartes 1 copia de Corriente etérica, añádela a tu mazo y baraja éste. Dale la vuelta al Estabilizador de flujo (conservando todas las fichas y cartas vinculadas).

Falk Haensel
La fiesta del Valle de la Cicuta Expansión de investigadores #5.


Objeto. Herramienta. Ciencia.

Coste: –.


Permanente. Sólo para el mazo de Kate Winthrop

Cuando coloques una pista en un Apoyo que controles: recibes +2 a tu valor de habilidad para tu siguiente prueba de habilidad en esta fase.

¿Se trata de la misma energía que emplea Nikola Tesla?
Falk Haensel
La fiesta del Valle de la Cicuta Expansión de investigadores #5.
Estabilizador de flujo
No image


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If a game card has no text describing a test and is just an ability, does that mean the Flux Stabilizer has no effect in the game? If that's how it works, it makes me a little sad about this investigator.

Sasuken · 31
I'm not sure if I read the question right, but you can still trigger the ability as long as you are able to pay the cost, since that changes the game state. — AlderSign · 321
Not sure i understand the problem. As a card it interacts with Kate's character ability so it does have an effect? and the card is a way of keeping track on whether its active or inactive by which side it is flipped onto. If you are sad because that means Kate doesn't have a proper signature card, then don't be sad - effectively its Aetheric Current... a card that can shuffle enemies into the encounter deck, or exhaust them and move them to any location. — Phoenixbadger · 198