
Espíritu. Bendecido.

Coste: 2.


Investigar. Puedes usar en lugar de para esta investigación. Antes de revelar fichas de Caos para esta prueba, añade 2 fichas a la bolsa del caos. Si es revelada una ficha o durante esta prueba de habilidad, descubre 1 pista adicional en tu Lugar.

Alexandre Dainche
La fiesta del Valle de la Cicuta Expansión de investigadores #25.
Guiado por la fe


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Overall a mid card that takes some effort to get full value from, but I'm glad it exists.

This card does three things: 1) let you investigate with Willpower 2) add two blesses 3) give an opportunity to collect an extra clue

Using willpower can be worthwhile in Daniela, Mary, Zoey, Diana, Duke, or Hank, as for them it means at least +2. Several other investigators would get a native +1 and willpower boosts tend to be more plentiful than intellect boosts in Guardian.

Adding two blesses is no bad thing, but Keep Faith adds four blesses for the same cost and is fast, so your bless deck is probably viewing this as a helpful rider.

To really make this sing, you need to be able to fish out a bless or elder sign. A few investigators can do that natively (Kohaku, parallels Wendy and Mateo) and any investigator can take Favor of the Sun with some experience. Note that Favor needs to already be in play, and you cannot use the bless tokens from #2 above. Doing so will secure you two clues for two resources and a card, and will give you a pair of blessings to help fill the bag.

Part of this card's challenge is that Scene of the Crime gets a testless clue for the same cost, and can get a bonus clue often enough. That second clue is likely easier to arrange (or simply wait for) than dedicating deck space and opportunity costs to fish out a bless.

If I were to include this in a deck, it's probably alongside Scene of the Crime and other bless support, and it's probably in Daniela or Hank where I need to use events to help with clues, either because I'm a kind and generous killer in a multiplayer group or because I'm a monster who dares attempt solo play with a mere 1 intellect.

walla151 · 4