Traición. Debilidad



Revelación - Añade cada Apoyo Arma de fuego de tu zona de juego a tu mazo y baraja este.

Si no se ha añadido ningún Apoyo a tu mazo por este efecto, recibe 1 punto de daño, devuelve Incautación a tu mazo y baraja este.

"Esto... ¿Se va de caza, Sr. McGlen?"
Borja Pindado
La ciudad sumergida Expansión de investigadores #13.
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Of course Michael wants to play as many Firearm assets as possible to trigger his investigator reaction ability more often, but I wonder if this weakness is really such a drawback if you have means to - intended - draw (them) back. What it means besides crippling him if checked by the cops at an unfortunate time, it is for one highly probable that you have some more guns in your hand anyway (waiting to be played), but what's more, shuffling the ones in play into your deck means you get a free ammo replenishment on all of them!

AlderSign · 309