Can you attach a book to Library Pass and then move it to Abigail Foreman using Abigail's quick action? Read as written it seems possible but doesn't seem intended... You'd basically be able to completely ignore the Forced on Library Pass
Objeto. Miskatonic.
Coste: 2. PX: 1.
Sólo para un mazo Miskatonic, Erudito. Límite de 1 por mazo.
Durante tu turno, si no hay ningún Apoyo vinculado al Pase de biblioteca, gasta 1 recurso: Vincula un Apoyo Tomo de tu mano a esta carta. El Apoyo vinculado no ocupa espacios. Límite de 1 Apoyo vinculado.
Obligado - Cuando acabe tu turno: Coloca el Apoyo vinculado en la parte inferior de tu mazo.

Cartas relacionadas
- Library Pass (5) (La ciudad sumergida Expansión de investigadores #118)
No faqs yet for this card.
Done using Scroll of Secrets? Use Library Pass and play your second Scroll of Secrets. When the first copy goes to bottom of deck, draw it out with your second copy and continue the cycle. Scavenging might be better if you have access, but this is an alternative that doesn't require passing a skill test.