Rules Question: Does picking 'investigate' turn off only the basic action, or also investigate actions on encounter cards and assets?
Similarly, does picking 'move' turn off shortcut, pathfinder, etc.?
Short answer: 1. yes, 2. no. Longer answer: if the chosen action category is being taken as a result of an Action ability--whether basic or activated from an asset, this treachery would "turn it off." If the action being taken is as a result of a fast card, a free action trigger ability, and suchlike--since it doesn't count as an action in the first place, this treachery does not turn it off. There might be a wrinkle if the card gives you an action in BOLD type, like on shortcut level 2 or summoned hound but i'm going to go out on a limb and say that you can take those actions as well.
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@Sycopath I think actually you cannot use Shortcut(2) or the hound, specifically because those use the bold action designator. If it said, "investigators cannot TAKE each chosen action..." I would agree with you, because that language specifically means you're taking one of your three basic actions, which those cards avoid. Because this says investigators can't "perform" the named actions, I take that to be a wider parameter which also covers free actions.
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