Habilidad. Debilidad Básica



Solo puedes asignar esta carta a cualquier prueba de habilidad que estés realizando y que no tenga otras cartas asignadas a ella. No se pueden asignar otras cartas a esta prueba de habilidad.

Si esta prueba fracasa, devuelve esta Habilidad a tu mano.

Obligado - Si Imprudente está en tu mano al final de tu turno: Revélalo y pierde 2 recursos.

Patrick McEvoy
Winifred Habbamock #4.


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This card gives you an extremely solid reason to include lockpicks in your rogue deck. You can investigate any location, even if you wouldn’t get clues. If you’re another class, hopefully you have a stat that you can super succeed at, like willpower plus another stat in mystic. It’s a good reminder not to draw cards as your last action, because it’s a weakness that punishes that pretty intensely.

MrGoldbee · 1468
A flashligh investigation on a 1 or 2 shroud location would also work... most of the time. — LivefromBenefitSt · 1064