


Revelación - Vincula esta carta al Lugar más cercano en el sentido de las agujas del reloj que no tenga una Miasma acre.

Obligado - Después de que un investigador entre en el Lugar vinculado, realiza una prueba de (2). Si fracasa, ese investigador debe recibir 1 punto de daño y 1 punto de horror o bien resolver la palabra clave Cazador de cada Enemigo que haya en juego.

Cristina Vela
Carnevale de horrores #37. Venecia #54-55.
Miasma acre


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Does the card's text mean that you activate HUNTER on all cards that have HUNTER

or does it mean that every enemy gets HUNTER for this one instance?

I'm not so sure because it says "on each enemy in play" (sounds like every enemy gets hunter) but also "resolve" which sounds as if only enemies that already HAVE hunter get triggered.

ForAiur · 3
The Grim Rule is not your friend! — The_Wall · 286
It resolves the hunter keyword _that is actually on_ enemies. It does not create new keywords. — FBones · 19298
there is no image of this card, any chance this can be updated? — Daboking · 1