Elspeth Baudin
Hechicera hiperbórea


Humanoide. Hechicero. Élite.

Combatir: 8. Salud: 4. Evitar: 8.
Daño: 2. Horror: 2.

Alerta. Errante (Lugar más cercano con al menos, 1 recuerdo). Represalia.

Elspeth Baudin no puede ser evitada automáticamente y recibe -1 a combate y -1 a evitar por cada recuerdo que haya recuperado.

Obligado - Cuando Elspeth Baudin vaya a ser derrotada: En vez de eso, cúrale todo el daño, dale la vuelta a esta carta y resuelve su texto.

Dani Hartel
Mala sangre #23. Mala sangre #4.



Agnes Baker debe decidir (elige una opción):

- Agnes Baker recupera 1 recuerdo de Elspeth Baudin.

- Agnes Baker obtiene 2 pistas de la reserva de fichas.

A continuación, dale la vuelta a esta carta, agotada y sin enfrentar.

un rayo estalla contra el cielo nocturno mientras tu magia y la de Elspeth se cruzan. Un tañido atronador - como un sonido de otro mundo que nos sentencia - os obliga a ti y a Elspeth a arrodillaros. Ella se tambalea de dolor, clavando sus uñas en las sienes. Te acercas con tu poder, aferras sus recuerdos y los extraes con toda tu fuerza.
Mala sangre #23. Mala sangre #4.
Elspeth Baudin
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Question here on how the patrol keyword works on Elspeth. If there is a memory on her current location, does she stay there or move? The rules say that patrol enemies move to a connecting location toward the nearest qualifying location... Does that mean a move is mandatory, and if the nearest qualifying location is the current one, the shortest path is off and back...? That would seem strange... Clarity would be appreciated!

Since patrol seems to be a copy of hunter and the rules for patrol are copy pasted from hunter I believe there is simply an omission of "if the enemy is at a valid location it does not move", that would make it work inline with hunter and with warring. this is the way I play with patrol enemies and I think it is the intended approach. — Zerogrim · 294

The more she collect Memories, the more she's weak ? That's strange Don't we have a problem ? Isn't it should be Agnes memories wich weakened her ? or can we consider she's totaly unminded berserk sorceress and the more memories she get, the more "human" she became ?

Jashugan · 10
Bad memories. — MrGoldbee · 1468