Diana Stanley: Cancellation Tank

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

heroiclogic · 61

NOTE: Made a couple of mistakes updating my build. Should have

  • -2 Evidence -> +2 Dark Prophecy
  • -2 Overpower -> +1 Emergency Cache, +1 Unexpected Courage

I'm working on this build for playing 2-player campaigns, partnering with a Seeker like Rex who will gather the majority of the clues. The goal is for her to deal with the majority of the enemies and use her cancelation abilities to manage encounter cards.

The build leans heavily into Guardian for consistent damage output as quickly as possible. I expect to rely more on Mists and Shrivelling at higher XP. When things have gone right in NotZ, however, she hasn't made much use of them.

Going along with the cancellation tank theme, I'm experimenting with Delay the Inevitable but I'm not sold on it. It wasn't useful playing through Night of the Zealot. If I ditch it, I'll probably replace it with a Guard Dog and a second Mists.

Hand slots - I'm much more comfortable with using melee weapons than the firearms with their higher cost and limited ammo, at least at lower XP. Survival Knife has been great for action compression. Having Machete, Survival Knife, and Twilight Blade out all at once with Bandolier is pretty amazing. At higher XP, Timeworn Band seems like a natural fit for Diana.

Allies - Had a lot of success with Beat Cop. Going through a campaign, I want to supplement it with Charisma and another +Combat oriented ally.

Cancellation - I've been successful running with as few as 7 cancellation cards. Aside from Delay the Inevitable, they have been consistently useful. I've been able to my Mystic skill up at a reasonable pace.

Clue gathering & Intellect - Almost none. Her job is to beat things up. Have gotten some mileage out of Diana's 3 intelligence.

I'm skeptical of Prepared for the Worst, Eldritch Inspiration, Defiance, healing assets (too action inefficient). I'm tempted to get Physical Training or Arcane Studies, but I've find the economy has been pretty tight.

I still have to figure out where I want Diana's build to go. Upgrades. I'm considering:

  • Charisma (if/when a have +Combat scenario ally like Lita)
  • 2x Ward of Protection (2),
  • 2x Vicious Blow (2)
  • 1x Well Prepared (2)
  • 1-2x Fearless (2)
  • 1x Recall the Future (2)
  • 1-2x Counterspell (2)
  • 2x Shriveling (3) ,
  • 1x Bandolier (2)
  • 1xTimeworn Brand (5) (replacing a machete)
  • 2x Shriveling (5)
  • 2x Ward of Protection (5)
  • 2x Mysts of R'lyeh (4)
  • 1x Seal of the Seventh Sign: Over the Threshold and Beyond (5)