Jim Culver and the Songbook of Doom

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

redtitan · 54

Jim's performance needs good sheet music and a good partner...

Dayana Esperence and De Vermis Mysteriis will keep the music flowing and captivating.

The Band

Being a good musician isn't easy so Jim will need good people at his back.

Calling in Favors lets him find who he needs any time. (Dayana Esperence, Arcane Initiate, or Mr. "Rook") Additionally this card returns the pervious ally to your hand letting you play them again so you can refresh the number of secrets on certain allies.

Mr. "Rook" is Jim's talented agent always pushing him to unlock his true potential.

Dayana Esperence performs the vocals that make Jim's music so captivating.

Fan girls mob Jim but this is where the real magic happens.

The Performance

Effects your singer Dayana Esperence or Sheet Music will play over and over again.

Moonlight Ritual lets you scrub De Vermis Mysteriis and Arcane Initiate free of that pesky doom.

Ward of Protection and Deny Existence are just multi-tools to keep you safe from treachery

Eldritch Inspiration is perhaps the best thing Jim can perform. It both can cancel out the effects of any bad tokens or double the effects of on Jim's Sixth Sense, Song of the Dead and/or Jim's Trumpet.

Truth from Fiction recharges Dayana Esperence or Mr. "Rook" so you can keep them charged up all night. Also it happens to be a Insight card meaning you can cast it again with De Vermis Mysteriis

Blood-Rite strangly enough is also an Spell / event and after De Vermis Mysteriis is played you can immediately attach this fantastic card to Dayana Esperence.


Dark Prophecy allows Jim to nearly guarantee a will be pulled which in the worse case acts as a +0 however this is not an Insight or a Spell so the only way to find it is Mr. "Rook"


Dec 30, 2019 The Lynx · 972

I really like the Jim deck that I built a few weeks ago but I this deck looks like so much fun to play and I love the thematic touch of De Vermis Mysteriis in it. Being able to reuse all of those events really takes Jim to the next level.