The Actress Always Wins - Tall Tales Challenge

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

mattastrophic · 3190

Hi everyone!

I threw together this Lola Hayes deck and cleared the Arkham Facebook group's Tall Tales Challenge with it. The Challenge was to complete The House Always Wins, getting Resolution 2 by resigning from La Bella Luna.

This deck sped through and finished the challenge quite handily, on Turn 4 with three doom on Agenda 1.


Aug 20, 2019 Doovies · 602

Quite impressed with this deck.

This challenge has opened up my mind to using different, sometimes unused cards in unusual circumstances. Swift reflexes and quick thinking seems like very good choices. A lot of fast cards to not waste time. And shortcut for the Lounge. Now knowing this is prime real estate for that attachment, lvl 0 shortcut in campaigns will almost always be used on that location. Failing that, the hallway.

Hate to point out an error, But Stick to the Plan will not work in Lola Hayes. As she isn't any class before drawing an opening hand. Maybe this is how you got out so quickly haha.

Still a very well thought out run, well done!

Aug 20, 2019 mattastrophic · 3190

Yeah, I know about the Stick to the Plan bug. I just ignore it, because it's an oversight.

In total, the cards on Stick to the Plan saved me about 2-3 actions, so without it Lola would have gotten out on Turn 5.

Aug 20, 2019 mattastrophic · 3190

And then again, I did have to spend about three actions running back to the Darkened Hallway because the VIP Area was the third door I opened. So I guess it's a wash.

Aug 20, 2019 matt88 · 3093

Do Studious and Another Day Another Dollar work on Lola, or do they not for the same reason Stick to the Plan doesn't?

Aug 20, 2019 mattastrophic · 3190

Studious and Another Day, Another Dollar are not triggered abilities (arrows, circles, or lightning bolts), so Lola's restriction does not interfere with them at all.

These sorts of questions are so frequent that I've actually posted a Rebalanced Lola Hayes that clears these up and makes Lola way simpler for players to try out...

Aug 21, 2019 tercicatrix · 15

Studious's and Another Day Another Dollar's effects aren't trigger abilities, so they work fine with Lola.