Remains of the Brain

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

kevboh · 2

William Yorrick is a danger to himself and others.

William Yorick was driven mad by monsters killing his beloved. He is after vengeance, the only thing that will satisfy him. (He only heals horror by murdering monsters and cultists, through if it bleeds, and meat cleaver). He will protest other healing, even/especially from carolyn, the psychologist, and will never ask for it. He heals damage through painkillers if he can get them, but will accept other damage healing freely.

He is instinctual: fight or flight, reckless attack, vicious blow, survival instinct. (scrapper) He is relentless: on the hunt, perseverance, taunt He is dangerous: dynamite, meat cleaver He is on drugs: painkillers, sour mash (will not mulligan these away!) He is sentimental: keepsake, leather coat

He disassociates (refers to guard dog as his friend, the cop, and talks to him and seems to hear him. talks about the graveyard ghouls as a friend). Guard Dog / Cop name: Horatio? Ghouls names: other shakespeare crew...

I want him to grow even more unhinged, but in a way that makes him a reliable murderer of monsters, as he levels up.


scrapper cornered e cache snare trap oops hunting rifle lure will to survive lucky

a test of will?

keepsake into totem or key of ys guard dog into beat cop survival instinct+ vicious blows+ dynamite blast+ taunt+ or replace

guardian cards: ace of swords! .45 kerosene for if it bleeds

Update: after "the wages of sin": William has been doing what he does, and at no time better than at hangman's brook. However practiced he is with his cleaver, however, he has really been getting unlucky! (5 auto fails!)

Also he's been facing a lot of haunted spirits, things that don't die to normal weapons. The wizards he is starting to trust use their own blood or other spells to banish these. While William started to grasp the spectral web spell, it involved knowledge of history or an understanding of the spirit world that he just couldn't grasp. Horatio was no help in that regard either. He won't be spilling his own blood to do this work the way they do.

He is starting a quest for something he can use, perhaps an enchanted or ancient knife...

There is also that damn watcher that keeps coming back, even the wizards haven't been able to banish it. He needs some way to elude it... or Lure it

Short term: kerosene, eucatastrophe, upgrade survival instinct Long term: time worn blade? Lose: gun, guard dog... knife?

revisions: leather coat and keepsake are great, no upgrades. perhaps he could start smoking a pipe. still Wants to play fortune or fate and will to survive, after a fortune could bring in lvl 0 act of desperation, as he is still so resource hungry. perseverance was amazing, won't upgrade to devil's luck as that is so different and not his personality A test of will, however, is potentially a good choice.

Does he have a forgotten daughter? could she bring him the blade like elrond did?