Patrice Hathaway's Epic Guitar Solo

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Pyxel · 19

Been using this to great success in solo mode. most of the cards have good icons for you to abuse with your hand refilling power. Dark horse engine is insane on her. "Some gigs you play a violin, some gigs you shred on an axe." -Unknown (probably Patrice) Alter Fate is to counter a thing I'm about to fight.

Premonition was originally just a way to get through the early game but you actually have a lot of control over how much you want to beat the test by so it ends up being pretty good. You basically just want to spam cards who's biggest drawback is the card draw.

I never ended up using Glimmer of Hope as an event to get them back so i should have gotten rid of them sooner. I could see it getting some epic use with a team but in solo you're actions are just too valuable.

Quantum flux and scrounge for supplies are also meh and I should have gotten rid of them I'm just scared of a certain card so I'm keeping them for now.

Versatility for logical reasoning was questionable but the drawback of a bigger deck is kinda nice on her and i just really like that card. It also helps protect me from a certain card I'm scared of.

Pro-tip: Don't draw psychosis as your random like I did :D


Apr 14, 2020 OrionJA · 1

22 assets in a 54 card deck means that on your first pass through your deck, you draw 2 assets every turn. You can have at most 9 of them in play at once, so your second pass through will still expect to draw slightly more than 1 asset per turn. The majority of these assets are single-icon, so that seems like it would be a problem.

Apr 16, 2020 Pyxel · 19

The issue is with solo play you need to get your engine going as soon as possible. Also you have a lot less wiggle room in terms of actions taken per turn since if something has to get done this turn, you're the only one that can do it. So a lot of times i miss my boat to get an asset going. I agree it would be nice to have more icons in the deck but I just don't think it's possible to be consistent without that many assets.