Jenny Barnes Solo

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

DeltaArena · 392

Just a try out Jenny Barnes deck which I can't say how effective it was because luck was way too much on my side for me to say if the deck was any good. I did love Jenny's special ability of drawing extra resources, it's amazing. Any opinion or suggestions are highly welcomed since, as I said, not really sure how much the deck did in my try and how much it was just dumb luck.


Jul 13, 2020 Synisill · 794

Did you play on normal mode? Our group collectively thinks that Jenny becomes weaker with increasing difficulty, because her statline is so average. On first sight, i would have included 2x Opportunist and 2x Leo, because they fit so well into what the rest of the deck does and u really want to draw them. You will want to upgrade Opportunist and maybe include Quick Thinking with your new campaign.

Jul 13, 2020 DeltaArena · 392

Hey Synisill, I only have one core set so for I don't have either 2x Opportunist nor 2x Leo (at least not lvl 0). I did play on standard and other than one I drew nothing worse than a -1 that session (one of the reasons why I installed the chaos bag app after that match). But I can see how her lack of specialization on any one trait could make her weaker on harder difficulties, specially in multiplayer where there would be other investigators that do those things better than her.

Looking at the stats as I write this I realize that she could use more cards to commit and could, in fact, use a second ally. As I said, dumb luck really did cloud me from noticing the strengths and weaknesses of the deck.

Also, I have to say, When you are really really lucky at this game... it is not as fun. It is way more fun, in my opinion, when you pick up a card on the encounter deck that disrupts your plans, or a weakness from your deck, and you gotta adjust and adapt to the challenge. I gives you the sense of dread that puts the horror on the title.

Jul 15, 2020 Synisill · 794

I hear you, mate! Aaaand - Yes, Sir, the most enthusiastic stories i can tell about Arkham Horror are the ones where i failed miserably and utterly! The encounter deck thwarts your plans at the very worst spot, or that is how it feels like. How often i froze in fear right when i was about to blast out a super-combo or how one damnable Ancient Evil ended the game only one step away from my victory! I daresay that i am a haunted player...

It's good that you started to play on normal, only the tough go to paradise! I forogt you have only 1 core set - so you can upgrade any card to Leo (1) after scenario #1. Or maybe you try the Cat Burglar (2), he saves you some cards like Think on your Feet and Elusive. He's a bit counter-productive to Pickpocketing, i am afraid to say. Jenny is one of the few characters that can afford Hired Muscle (1) - i would assume. As i seldom play rogues, i am only judging by experience here. But trying things out is part of the fun! Maybe i will write a solo report again, after all these years. Thank you for giving me the inspiration to do so!

Jul 15, 2020 DeltaArena · 392

My thoughts on Elusive were to counter her weakness, go strait to where Izzie appears, also I thought Elusive and Think on your feet would be better since they are fast cards. You think it's better to be able to reactivate the evasion than doing it once for free? or is is about the +1 ? I'm curious to understand your thought process on that and learn from it. Yeah I think all three of those cards are counter productive to pickpocketing. I believe I just ended committing pick-pocketing to a skill test or something. Might be the one to change for the second Leo. Although, and I know this is just me and is counter productive, I feel weird having more than one unique card on the deck just because roleplaying I guess hahahahaha. As for hired muscle, yes, definitely a card I would like to try out with her.

With Rex it was a draw from Hunted Down that resulted on 5 damage that did it for me, nothing I could do about that. Just an old school beating for being to nosy for him.

As for the solo report, let me know when you publish it, I would definitely read it.