William Yorick - The Path to Carcosa - Drag Me To Hell

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Siathryn · 162

William is all about his discard pile. Playing cards from it, returning them to hand and just getting lots of potential use out of cards that you can toss away to replay them.

Cards like "Gravedigger's Shovel" and "Lantern" can do double-duty because it's okay - even encouraged to use their discard abilities...because you can play them again from your discard pile with William's reaction to defeating enemies. He's also got a little bit of healing and potentially some extra victory points for you.

And if things go wrong...well...he'll drag all your enemies down to hell with him.

For your opening hand you want a weapon and an ally (potentially ones you can discard easy). Having" Physical Training" or "Scavenging" early on too would be great but not necessary.

Possible Upgrades:

A Chance Encounter (2xp) - This will not only let you bring back your own allies for a short time (like using their discard ability again), but also other investigators allies.

True Survivor (3xp) - More discard pile fun as ALL of William's skill cards currently have the Innate trait.

Lucky! (2xp) - Extra card draw is good in a deck where you may be discarding a lot of cards.

Police Badge (2xp) - More fuel for the discard engine.

.45 Automatic (2xp) - Having better Combat cards for the tougher enemies is also good.