#CPA-TFA Pete Rides Again... Again. Again.

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Prinny_wizzard · 251

Campaign Play-Along

  • Campaign: The Forgotten Age
  • Difficulty: Standard
  • Taboo: No
  • Card Pool: NotZ x2, RtNotZ, Starters, TFA, RtTFA
  • Team: Pete Rides Again... again. Again.
  • Role: Flex, mainly Cluever

The next Campaign Play-Along is currently being discussed on the Mythos Busters discors - if you're interested, come and join the chat! www.discord.gg/mythosbusters.

Given Pete's success in Dunwich I thought I would take him through The Forgotten Age as well, parallel to (but not in the same campaign as) a Harvey deck. Pete would take on the original campaign, Harvey the revised version.

Right from the off things started to go bad for Pete this time, with no good options to deal with Ichtaca and less-than-stellar enemy management capabilities. Part of that was doubtless my deckbuilding, but I also suspect it was partly a problem of the cardpool (which certainly felt less Pete-friendly, especially when he's also Indebted), and also that this is possibly the worst possible campaign choice for Pete given it all but negates Duke's greatest strength (the action compression in moving and investigating in one action) in most scenarios and, yes, parleying or defeating Ichtaca is so damned hard.

Pete did put in some heroic effort to reach Shattered Aeons - at 4 physical, 3 mental trauma - but he was so focused on his Will To Survive, literally and in card form (easily the MVC of the deck, by the way) that he didn't realise he didn't have an answer to... Shattered Aeons' biggest two questions, I'll say, until he met them.

He came so damned close - showing the true willpower of a survivor - but ultimately couldn't finish the campaign alone.

He ended up going out on his own terms, punching an enemy with Retaliate.