Agnes Baker - Teacher Deck, Full Collection

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Salaf · 383


The “Teacher Decks” are meant to provide an easy to explain decklist for an experienced player, with a full collection(up to the Edge of the Earth release), to give to a new player to show teach the game with.

Note that these decks aren’t super optimized or efficient like many of the decklists around here. That’s because it would defeat the point of these teacher decks. I’m just giving a solid platform to learn the game with.

It can be hard enough to learn the ins and outs of this game, lets not make it harder on ourselves by getting ahead of ourselves shall we?

These will generally include an overview of the deck, what it should be teaching, and some suggestions and thoughts on upgrades for the deck.


I believe a mystic should be the third or later primary class given to a new player. Most mystic cards are very wordy, with heavy amount of the “basic” cards taking a paragraph and a half to say “it’s a will test, if you pull x token you get hurt”. This can be overwhelming to read through in the flood of other new information. Only wanting Will tests will eventually skew what normal tests look like. For example, they might start trying to investigate and look to their willpower instead of intellect. OVERVIEW

Now then, Agnes teaches that taking damage or horror isn’t the end of the world, and recontextualizes what taking it can mean. If horror means enemies die, then you don’t mind it so much. Sometimes you need to gauge how much pain you’re willing to take to win, when given the choice. Agnes take that important choice, and places it into your hands.


Start with upgrading Peter(2), shriveling(3), and clairvoyance(3). Get Recharge (2/4) and winds of power(1), or get charisma and Twila to extend your charges. Fearless(2) is an easy and good horror heal, and encourages freedom to utilizing her ability.

Clairvoyance(3/5) Rite of seeking (2/4) Shriveling (3/5) Peter Sylvester (2) Counterspell (2) Word of Command (2) Winds of power (1) Recharge(2/4) Fearless(2) Guts(2)