Rita A tier

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

MiskaMiska · 24

Quickly thrown together Rita spurred by Justin’s insanity over at the excellent #playingboardgames YouTube site (https://m.youtube.com/c/PlayingBoardGames/videos). For 3 player, this deck crushes - evade and shoot with the good bow, play crafty and investigate with pilfer at 7 once shoes and Peter are down for 3 clues, backpack to thin and find things, easy marks and nothing left to lose for draw and cash. Basically never a wasted action.

The key to Rita is not to think of her for killing enemies; she’s pure flex. And she will more than carry her weight both for enemy management and clues in that role. Very resistant to the encounter deck as well.

Show me a Jim deck that can outclass her! Easily A tier. :-)


Dec 24, 2021 Trigunner · 1

Very nice list. I played almost the same in a RtTCU 2 player campaign recently. I also went for Crafty and Enchanted Bow. I didn't took Easy Mark but had Drawing Thin (3xp Taboo version) wich also worked well because I was so often way above the target value that difficulty increase didn't matter. But maxing out Trick cards to get the most out of Crafty is a very good way to build the deck I think.

Dec 25, 2021 Mammonite · 42

Does this deck have enough targets to make the backpack worthwhile? I'm only seeing the keepsakes, shoes, and emergency caches.

Dec 25, 2021 MiskaMiska · 24

At level 0, not really - more of a placeholder. Once you have your enchanted bow it’s more useful, as much for thinning as finding, plus the commit is more relevant for Rita than most. But it could also be more skills, say unexpected courage, upgrade to unrelenting for draw? Last cards in really.

Dec 25, 2021 Dreadreaper · 6463

How about In the Thick of It plus charons obol and easy mark at level 1? Sounds juicy to me.

Dec 25, 2021 Mammonite · 42

Enchanted Bow doesn't have the item keyword though!