Icepick Patrice, after surviving Antarctica (29XP)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

DerBK · 1916

This is the deck that i ended up with for my Icepick Scavenging Patrice after surviving(!) my blind play of Edge of the Earth. Was partnered up with Tony who did the killing, so Patrice could do the investigating.

level zero Patrice:
29XP Tony:

The core idea of using Scavenging, Sixth Sense and Ice Pick to grab all the clues works great. But what i didn't expect was that the campaign also handed me Mineral Specimen and Kensler's Log, two cards that fit into this deck concept perfectly. Between emptying the specimen, re-scavenging Kensler's Log and playing Winging It, i might even have ended up using intellect more than Willpower for investigating in the end. Shame that Specimen uses charges instead of supplies or i could've totally gone off with Emergency Cache(3) :D

The synergy cards didn't really pan out. Close the Circle and Strength in Numbers are fine cards and they did some things, but those 4XP could've easily gone somewhere else.

What did pan out is the bless suite. Just amazing, blesses and the covenant did wonders to stop frost tokens to do their thing. And just made me pass tests on both investigators all the time. Jacob Morrison is INSANELY good, by the way. Totally being slept on.