Ratio + Crafty Compass + No Skill + Statball + Black Market

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

PaxCecilia · 404

This is a really fun deck inspired by the wonderful Veronica at Until the End of Time. She streamed a playthrough of The Circle Undone using a blessed Zoey and Crafty Wendy deck that resulted in me trying out and really enjoying this one.

Despite Wendy's status as one of the stronger investigators, I've always struggled with her. Using her Amulet in a way that actually gets extra value out of your events, identifying which card in hand can be used for her when you don't have an obvious choice like Winging It, and leveraging her 0-5 0-2 deckbuilding has always felt really tricky and unintuitive to me. This deck pretty much removed all of those struggles by having plenty of events that you can get extra value from both with the Amulet and , and utilizing her deckbuilding pool on a broad range of tools that make her incrementally stronger throughout a scenario.

The core concept of the deck-list is to have a bunch of independently strong assets that work well on an individual basis and grow into a board state where those cards all complement one another. You're mostly getting clues and evading, no kill potential here at all. You bring an 80% dedicated fighter alongside this (since she has evade potential it can be useful for the fighter to have some clue tech too). We've got a bunch of synergistic card clusters that slowly build into a big board state with tons of interactions and huge skill values.

  • Crafty + Mariner's Compass = This is the core clue compression for the deck, recurring money to be continuously dumped into Compass tests so you can test very high. You can only spend up to 3 on Compass's ability, but the 2 on Crafty is an independent boost to your skill test, so you can get a total of +5 . Then the deck contains another +3 worth of static boosts, so you really are only worried about and tokens worse than -4 if you have time to build up your tableau.
  • Crafty + Blur + Cheat the System = and easy way to recoup cash to afford your next asset, or boost up a ton of cash to dump into a Compass test.
  • Dark Horse + Compass = Every time you spend your last dollar the compasses get an extra +1 from Dark Horse and gather an extra clue.
  • Nothing Left to Lose + the cost curve = It's easy to get maximum or very near maximum value out of Nothing Left to Lose in this deck, because lots of assets are costing in the 2-3 range, and events tend to run cheap, so it's easy to spend all your cash and have no cards remaining (plus Dark Horse and Compass rewarding having no cash on hand). Draw 5 Gain 5 happens, and it's great.
  • Black Market + Wendy's Amulet + Events = As others have pointed out in their decklists it's very easy to double up on value from Black Market hitting your events since other investigators can play them from your Black Market, then you can immediately play them from your discard.
  • Keep Faith + Favor of the Sun + Ancient Covenant = generation and a few guaranteed successful tests. Add in Wendy's Amulet scenario to play Keep Faith from the discard pile, or Black Market to dig into your deck and fetch it from there. Bonus points if you use the Black Market shenanigans above to get 8 .
  • Geas + No Skills = Fine, this point is a bit of a meme, but when I played the deck I had been slowly upgrading into more assets/events and fewer skills, so Geas turned out very strong. Geas does make it so you can't commit skills during your turn then immediately play them from your discard with the Amulet, but you can still commit them to other investigators, and use the Black Market tricks as well to get them in the discard.

If you play Dark Horse early (like turns 1-5), you should keep taking your resources in Upkeep for a while. There are a lot of cards to spend money on in this deck, you will eventually draw into them and wish you had cash to play them. Dark Horse being a reward on the turn you spend down to 0 is good enough, and with Granny, Geas, and Wendy's you often don't need the +1 to your stats across the board during the Mythos Phase.

I would highly recommend playing Red Tide Rising and getting the Advanced version of Wendy's Amulet. Not needing to worry about card ordering is so useful in making sure that your discard pile is as empty of events as possible when Abandoned and Alone hits. Generally speaking, you can replay Keep Faith, Cheat the System, Black Market, Winging It, Easy Mark, and Lucky over and over and never need to re-shuffle and suffer A&A again.

The deck does have weaknesses to keep in mind. Since you drop skills and lose Nimble, it might be a good idea to have a single Track Shoes in this deck to shore up your movement capabilities. When the mythos does test-less damage and horror to you that can be a bit scary with only Granny for soak. It might be a good idea to include a single Protective Gear to have a big buffer and also give your Cheat the System a little better payout. Live and Learn would be good drops for these two cards as eventually you stop failing tests! Finally, the deck really suffers from encounter effects that discard cards from your deck, or from your hand. Since we drop Resourceful as the deck gets upgraded, any assets discarded are effectively removed from the game if A&A is still coming. Same goes for events if you hit the A&A before your Amulet.

If you're looking to see the list in action, you can check out these three games over on fylion's twitch channel, or if you just want a quick taste of the nonsense you can check out this clip of a setup turn on my Youtube channel.


Feb 23, 2022 chirubime · 26680

Love it! This is the deck you ran thru Dark Matter playalong right? Were those on fylion's twitch or on your youtube channel? In any case, I'm sure people would love to have a link to see it in action :D

Feb 23, 2022 PaxCecilia · 404

We did play the final 3 scenarios of Dark Matter on fylion's twitch channel (the latest is currently mis-titled as Robinson Crusoe), and I also posted a short clip of a ridiculous power-turn my Youtube channel. I will edit those into the write-up!

Feb 23, 2022 Heleen · 1

Hahaha yeah! that clip was the one I was really thinking of. I'd definitely gonna have to play some version of this deck in the future, I've retired myself from the other wendy shenanigans i've been doing lately :P

Feb 23, 2022 chirubime · 26680

I remember seeing that clip on during the playalong. thanks for linking it

Feb 24, 2022 hatfulofbomb · 812

I think that Dark Horse, which was already an excellent card and archetype, has only been made stronger with the tri-class cards from EOTE, as they effectively mitigate the downside of not being able to accrue resources.

This deck looks excellent, and a ton of fun. Did you ever think about making the event pool more aimed toward Tricks and Insights, so you could have Dark Horse up more often?

Feb 24, 2022 PaxCecilia · 404

@hatfulofbomb I agree, Dark Horse feels a bit more incidental, but also more consistent when Crafty affords you to play and use your Compasses. I imagine the same would be true for Prophetic and Bruiser.

You'd be surprised how often Dark Horse is active despite the cost curve of the deck. If you are ever using Compass for clues you will be spending down to zero to get the clue compression, but depending on how many static boosts you have already out you can judge whether your cash on hand goes towards playing cards or boosting Compass, and then the Easy Mark and Cheat the System are there to play after you've hit zero and leveraged Dark Horse for a bit. Then with some creative usage of Wendy's Amulet putting your resource cards on the bottom and Black Market or Winging It shuffling your deck, you get a lot of resources from your deck to afford continuing to play cards and boost into Compass tests. A lot of the fun of the deck is that while it is a big stat-ball asset monster with a lot of set up involved, there's a lot of interesting interactions and moving parts that make the playing of the deck feel a little different every time. Different solutions to the same puzzle.