"Ashkennel" Pete

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

RigidMark · 8

Ashkennel Pete and his army of goodbois.

Initially 2, later 4 sled dogs will do all the killing, duke can investigate. Chance encounter can be used to bring back dead dogs for a round, so 4 sled dogs are still useful when you don't have rod of animalism in the beginning.

Heavy furs will boost pete's health and also help with the chaos bag, when discarded, it can be brought back with scavenging.

Liquid courage will help with the low brain of Pete, and when depleted can be brought back with scavening. If it bleeds also helps with healing horror.

Two emergency caches help to pay for the sled dogs, then you can go dark horse.

Suggested path:

Buy Rod of animalism to include up to 4 sled dogs as allies, buy charisma to include guard dog as well. Substitute dodge with guard dog so you might include 4 sled dogs and a guard dog, when guard dog dies, bring him back with chance encounter for a round to soak and kill enemies.