Zoey: Field Researcher

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Greatsageishere · 141

An otherwise fairly standard Zoey deck, presented here just to illustrate how impressed I am with Fieldwork on Zoey. I played Curtain Call with this deck and was lucky enough to draw both copies of it in the early game. Having 2x Fieldwork on the table is incredible, and gives you seeker-like levels of investigative power. If you're already at the location where you need it, you can even use Shortcut to pop out then back in again to trigger it. It also works on any test, so I was able to use it to dodge the additional effects that appear on locations after act 2. I'd also add that Dynamite Blast is brilliant for dealing with our friend in the mask.


Nov 12, 2017 HollowClyde · 7

why not use first aid instead of smoking pipe?

Nov 13, 2017 TheTowerXVI · 1

@HollowClydeactions are precious, this one doesn't eat up any.

Nov 13, 2017 Greatsageishere · 141

Yes, especially in solo.