Tommy Muldoon customizes his becky to fullest

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
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Assessyn · 122

Just saw Custom Modifications and thougth about my little Tommy. He is the man for that card, so I did a deck around the upgrades and trying to do the max damage output out of Becky.

Full equiped Becky with Custom Modifications, Custom Ammunition, Enchant Weapon, Jury-Rig x2, Reliable x2 and Well-Manteined implies: +15 (when using Enchant Weapon and Jury-Rig) / +6 (when not using Enchant Weapon nor Jury-Rig) and 5/4/4 damage vs monster / 4/3/3 vs everything else


Dec 08, 2022 lelel555 · 2777

Very smart move with Stick to the Plan and Custom Modifications !