Amina Zidane - Doom Slinger

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

dlikos · 144

The arcane-less mystic. I have been playing around with Amina in my last few plays and have really come to like the way she plays. She is different enough from the other doom slinging Marie Lambeau, in that she doesn't rely on the asset spells to remain consistent.

The crux of this deck is pretty straight forward and easy to use. Get your Sickle and Rod attached to Elle Rubash and manage the doom on them. Look for witching hours, those rounds where you are free to spend doom as you wish without worrying about advancing the agenda as it will advance anyway during mythos phase.

I think the String of Curses is a bit of a pipe dream to use, but you have to include it right? I mean... theme! (In all honesty, I have played 2 full campaigns now with this deck and didn't use it... maybe we will get a future event that puts doom on an enemy at your location to discover clues or something like that ... good bye Read the Signs) Maybe you get lucky and pull the elder sign while you have the String of Curses in hand, or have both in hand... maybe I'm missing something as well...

Down the Rabbit Hole has positive value in the deck, despite introducing 4 new cards to it... Elle Rubash and Binder's Jar will cost 4 extra VP, but the Blood Pact, Sickle's, Rod's, Ward's already make it worthwhile. Then there are the Robe's and the Power Word upgrades... maybe Moonlight Ritual upgrades but they are pretty much worthless in my opinion.

Speaking of Power Word. I like Mercy (free with Down the Rabbit Hole) and Tongue Twister ( free over 3 rounds if you are that cheap... or 2 VP at once) Exhaust and Heal is pretty powerful.

The 4 cards to remove to make room for the Elle's and BJ's should be the Blood Pact which gets removed when you upgrade it. So ideally you have 5vp to spend after scenario 1, then the other UC, then decide on how early you want to get rid of your Delves, or maybe 1 Delve and 1 Quantum Flux.

I love getting comments, suggestions, or reports on how it worked for you...