Vincent Lee Investigates

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

oogaboogaman · 28

The morbid, axe wielding, team healing, doctor is running the show. We are playing a three person campaign of Scarlet Keys. The other two investigators favor investigating. So this version of Vincent is designed to take a massive beating and come back with just a few scratches and some blood-stained clothes.

UPGRADES: These will focus on allowing Runic Axe time to recover, and getting extra movements and versatility. After a few play tests, the basic deck tends to end with a lot of extra resources, thus making it flexible for some expensive upgrades later on. Below is the list of upgrades I have done so far: 0) Jessica Hyde and Runic Axe (via In the Thick of It) 1) Strange Solutions Ichor 2) Strange Solutions Ichor, Eon Chart, and Call for Backup 3) Eon Chart, Surgical Kit