Silas Marsh the Dark Horse of Innsmouth

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Hagarena · 140

Silas wasn't like the others of Innsmouth. For starters, he wanted to travel and see the world and also; he didn't have gills. Thats probably the biggest differense... Any who: Silas DID travel and see the world, and learned some pretty nifty stuff on the way! Now he uses those skills to hunt monsters where ever he finds them!

I love Silas. He is amazingly funny to play with lots of card shenanigans and what not. He is also one of few characters who can make use of his deck building options to have cards form pretty much any class and that gives you a lot of versatility.(And its fun to look at all them pretty colours in you hand)

First of all. Silas is an Enemy manager and does that good. High AND high means he can evade anything he can't kill. Fire axe is an excellent start (labranche will help you with extra money for boosts, but move on to the enchanted bow when the exp starts rolling in (and then you can ditch labranche in favor for Sylvester) You can throw his harpoon in the sea for all I care. Its to expensive to use correctly and with the Drak horse build, it just doesn't work. When you upgrade, get Brute force fast. That ability do deal 3 dmg in one attack is very nice and you WILL need it.

He is bad at clueing and encounter management, but that can be helped with Dark horse. And when you get Plucky and upgraded Sylvester, you can handle most encounter cards and can actually help with some clue finding although he will never be strong in this regard.

As for upgrading: Go for Brute force, Peter and Bows first. Get rid of Labranche and Overpower. And then True survivor and Plucky and then just upgrade your skills as you see fit!

It MIGHT be worth taking Versatile and get a Prepare for the worst to increase your chances of getting the bows (and maybe fill up with some Eurekas when you're at it) but that really is up to you!

Anyways, I had ALOT of fun playing this deck in Innsmouth and really want to give him a go again some day!