Two-swing Leo

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Hagarena · 140

Leo was a mean son of a bitch that for some reason had acquired a small coterie of friends. He didn't much care for them, what he really cared for was WHACK-A-MOLE! And boy howdy, was he good at whacking moles with his sledgehammer. All the carnies said that he couldn't bring his own mallet, but fuck em, said Leo. He knew full well that if you had to get something done, you had to bring your own gear!

Sledgehammer, what a iconic card, but i have always been scpetical. The action cost is high, and if you can only get one swing in, it isn't THAT great. Sure, 6 dmg in one round is nothing to poo poo, and with the massive +5 you can be sure to hit. But on the whole? Meh... But what if you could throw in 2 of those massive hits each turn? Well now, thats sounds a whole lot more interesting!

This entire deck is just built around the wish to hit twice in each round with the super sledge. Leo is probably the only character that can manage this and it is pretty simple.

De Luca and quick thinking can give you 2 extra actions and, while that is great, it isn't enough! The red clock works well, but only every 3 turns... that's not reliable enough so in with eye of djinn and pray for a curse token? Well, with the favour of the moon you don't even need to pray for that!

So get some tokens with Faustian bargain, and Riastrad and then seal them on the Favour of the moon. All of the bonuses with none of the mess! Lovely! If you get to many tokens, you can seal them with a dark ritual instead. You will have a lot of money to keep that up.