Runic Axe Mark Harrigan with Comprehensive Guide [old v]

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Solo Expert Play Mark Harrigan 3 0 0 1.0
Runic Axe Mark Harrigan with Comprehensive Guide, expert, v4 6 6 0 1.0

LordHamshire · 727

[IMPORTANT UPDATE: Opps, Obsidian Bracelet was a recent add and it came up mid-game that it requires a hand, slipped my mind. -> Here <- is the updated guide. There are improvements made to the experience guide as well.]


Apr 29, 2023 AL · 1

Very interesting, seems very tight! I got so caught up trying custom mods out that I didn't even bother with the axe. But I'll probably just do Mark + Vincent on hard, tbh. And swap 2x Tempt Fate for 2x Shortcuts, as I'll probably try it out on EoTE.

Apr 29, 2023 LordHamshire · 727

@ALNice, I was playing this on EoTE earlier. Tempt Fate is card that probably shouldn't have been printed, it's very similar to being able to run 2 less cards. It does makes tests more "variable" and increases the chance of drawing weaknesses but that isn't much of a cost. I think it should be made to cost 1 exp. Either way, I could imagine cutting it just because it's a hassle to mess with the bag and isn't giving any massive advantage, it's just optimal.

Apr 29, 2023 AL · 1

@LordHamshire Agree 100%, not a huge fan of this type of card, too much yugioh-y, in a bad sense, imo. But I forgot to mention that the reason I'm actually cutting it is that I don't really have Innsmouth yet haha

And thanks for the reply! I'm really looking forward to trying stuff on higher difficulties, and I guess it comes from this place of wanting to play "optimal" cards without feeling too bad about just stomping the scenarios like a beast. It's like playing Rex, even on hard, it's kinda just too much power.

If you're ever sharing a Vincent Lee pair for this one, let me know!

Apr 29, 2023 LordHamshire · 727

@AL Especially with Mark, it makes a ton of sense to use Vincent Lee as the clue-getter, but it's best if Vincent can be in a support role with a clue-getting sub-theme alongside a main clue-getter if possible. Rex Murphy as written is absurd, after the nerf he's still very powerful, but on Expert I think he's now roughly "fair" (still very powerful.) I may get around to making a Vincent Lee guide on here (even though he's usually played by a friend, rather than me, haha. Enemy management 4 life) but I'd almost have to make two versions, one for pairing in a one-and-one situation with Mark Harrigan and one for being a support in a 4-investagator group (which is where both are strongest.)