All Father - Chaos Token Whisperer

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Bmobutt · 33

Know chaos tokens before you draw, aim for

I would like to hear your suggestions as well.


Sep 28, 2023 Semiotics · 1

This looks fun! I think your hand slots are going to be really stretched. I might look to drop the flashlights in favor of another clueing spell, maybe even just Read the Signs?

Hypnotic Gaze might have an occasional guaranteed fire with Premonition, but unless I'm missing something it's going to be an expensive card to cancel an attack. I think you'd be happier with Hand of Fate (if you're dedicated to having a card to cancel an attack) or really anything else, like maybe a movement spell?

Lastly, Eucatastrophe might be too cute? Especially for a first scenario, having a second Recall the Future (which is what it seems like the primary thing your deck is trying to do) might be better. That said, I love the idea of using it to keep your Chthonian Stone around! This would also free up an experience that you could use for Divination or Brand of Cthugha which can have a big impact on an early scenario.

Sep 29, 2023 Bmobutt · 33

Great suggestions, I agree with what you said about Recall the Future.

Sadly I don't have Dream-eaters and Innsmouth to add the cards you mentioned from those sets. I am waiting the new format releases for them.

I will try 2x Recall the Future with a Divination and I will try to look for an alternative for flashlights. Thank you very much.