Madman "+????" Pete

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

jeermaster · 19

This deck is not for the faint of heart. Put the first two points of horror on Pete, then go to town.

Mulligan priority no. 1: Dark Horse. Mulligan Priority no. 2: Source of repeatable draw, preferably Scavenging or Madame Labranche.

Buy Scrapper after your first mission to make sure Dark Horse is active when you need it. Scrapper also ensures that you get a Madame Labranche trigger every round and gives you something to do with your Forbidden Knowledge money.

Let's do this!


Feb 04, 2018 OzValdo · 677

Cool deck idea, madame labranche makes dark horse work actually, I tested a similar build for a while...

I found scrapper just doesn't work cuz I would normally use the 1 resource on fire ax instead of scrapper...

Also Im not sure but how would all the high icon skill card work if your sanity is base 5 + duke 3 + madame 2 i.e. total 10. don't their sanity also count?? that's 7 horror to take before you can use those cards, forbidden knowledge would give u 4 over 4 turns since it exhausts. And then comes the question how would u recover from 7 horror??

wud help to also use peter sylvestre also (with charisma) since he can heal 1 horror each turn, and a couple of copies of fearless to recover.

lucky also doesn't work because assuming you went into a skill test with dark horse triggered, madame labranche trigger to give you 1 resource doesn't trigger after the skill test would fail, so lucky turns into a dead card, unless you consciously keep 1 resource with you and hence make dark horse useless

with this deck build i needed burst eco to play a card like 'look what i found' so the x2 emergency cache is a must

Feb 04, 2018 jeermaster · 19

Hey, thanks for the comment! Let me address some of the points you brought up.

i) Scrapper ensures that you have a repeatable way to spend your resources, even if you didn't draw Fire Axe. It also allows you to boost fights you initiated with Duke, which -again- is great if you didn't draw Fire Axe, or if you want to have a fight skill of 5. (Duke + 1x Scrapper activation = 1 resource for 5 STR; Fire Axe + 2x Fire Axe activation = 2 resources for 6 STR)

ii) The "desperate" skill cards only check for the remaining sanity on your investigator. So you can put the first two horror on Pete to activate them and then use Duke, Madame Labranche, Lab Assistant and Cherished Keepsake to shield you from any further horror.

iii) I didn't know if I wanted Peter Sylvestre in this deck right from the beginning because Madame Labranche is such a key card. But I think buying Charisma and then segueing into Peter Sylvestre (upgraded version, probably replacing "Look what I found!" or Lucky!) would be a good campaign strategy.

iv) Regarding Lucky, remember that you can always discard it to stand Duke (or Madame Labranche) using Pete's ability. That might not be the most exciting way to use a card but at least no card will ever be completely dead in your hand.

v) Hmm, I think 2x Forbidden Knowledge + 2x Madame Labranche suffice to make "Look what I found!" playable. I haven't tested it yet but I'm skeptical about adding Emergency Cache to a deck that only has one card in it that sort of justifies its inclusion. I'll give the deck a spin in its current iteration and will come back to your suggestion when it fails spectacularly.
