Gloria, queen of the Mythos phase.

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

cabalpaxiarch · 113

After experimenting and researching, I'm happy to say that this gem is my pride and joy. It's the updated, upgraded and more sane version of a previous Gloria deck I had published but this one is sound, solid and makes complete sense.

I tried to combine the best elements of a mystic generalist who can attack when they need to but, with such a high intelligence skill, can also do investigative work. No Rite of Seeking or sixth sense of course, our book is big enough to do the job without the help of spells. Not that it's our job to get the clues, but we help where we can.

At it's core, it's a flexible, Jack of all trades mage deck with a special emphasis on encounter management. Given Gloria's ability, of course she's going to function in a supporting capacity, but mitigating encounter disasters makes us the queen of the mythos phase.

Like any generalist mage worth their salt, we'll spend most of our time quietly getting the job done while the fighters and the cluevers pretend they're doing everything themselves, but our time to shine will come when our team gets stuck in a pickle. The flexibility and rule breaking of mages leaves very few problems we can't handle one way or another. In that regard, Power Word really shines in this deck. It does it all. Finds you clues no matter what restrictions are on the location, deals with monsters quietly and efficiently, heals you and your team, it just does it all.

As such, power word is probably the top priority for upgrades but you really need to upgrade scrying ASAP too. Having it cost an action is too high a cost. Thankfully, arcane research should help with that and delve too deep has never found a better home. Upgrading uncage the soul will help you rebuy scrying, but I wouldn't consider it a priority. The deck has very fun toys it wants to play with.

What are those? Well, managing the encounter deck is going to be a whole lot easier with foresight and forewarned but I'm especially excited for stargazing It can be really good with Gloria's ability to speed it up. But don't be selfish with it. Part of your job is managing who draws which encounter and that's a huge responsibility. Be generous.


Sep 16, 2024 giogreymon · 1

Any updates on this deck with newer cards? Really cool deck. Which upgrades would you prioritize? What about for Power Word