Daisy Solo Deck

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Knowledge Overwhelming(Solo Deck) 1396 1096 53 1.0
Inspiration for
Daisy Solo+ Deck 0 0 0 1.0

ruidodemate · 7

Edit: Here are some updates I made to the list. -2 Fearless, -2 Manual Dexterity, -1 Medical Texts, -2 Working a Hunch, +1 Painkillers, +2 Guts, +2 Unexpected Courage, +2 "I've got a plan!". When upgrading I start by upgrading Blinding Light still, then acquiring Higher Education, and I look to grab at least 1x Song of the Dead, maybe two depending on the campaign, although I do enjoy grabbing at least 1 Encyclopedia as well. Deduction is my next upgrade typically(although sometimes I will do this before Song of the Dead depending on which campaign I'm playing), with Emergency Cache always being nice to swap to as well. I'll upgrade to one Magnifying Glass and cut the other once I'm ready to start drafting Disc of Itzamna and Cryptic Research. I also typically get rid of at least one if not both Mind over Matter before the final scenario. I think you'll find this helps streamline the deck a little more and offers some better options to what was being run previously.


Feb 18, 2024 Draganzer · 1

I don't know if you're open to suggestions but I stumbled onto your deck and decided to have a go at it. First of all, wow that's a challenge haha, the card pool being so limited with just Core + Dunwich. But hey we all started somewhere. So here are my thought:

-Hand assets: Great, lean and mean I love it (not that there were too many options at all but we've covered this already)

-Arcane slots: Scrying is terrible, wow I had forgotten how much it sucked. I would say that playing solo actually manages to make it worse as you won't even be able to pass along an enemy to the team fighter. Please don't play this. Shrivelling, I get where you're going but I think trying to make willpower work in Daisy is a lost cause. Therefore I'd take out Holy Rosary as well.

Allies: Awesome, I would add 1 William T. Maleson, who acts as a Scrying (that actually discards an upcoming enemy) and a Rosary (the tanking part, which doubles as health) combined.

For the last 2 assets, I would add 2 Strange solutions. You can't afford not to place busted cards.

Events: Please don't play Blinding Light. As weird as it may sound, I would replace it by Barricade, which seems good in solo. We are working with very little here, beggars can't be choosers. Also, play Shortcut. It is one of the strongest card in the game and you need all the help you can get. The rest of your choices are solid of course.

Skills: I would replace Courage by Perception, and add 2 Inquiring Mind. Most of the time it will be a better Courage.

XP: -Upgrade Strange Solutions asap, the evade one if you want to play fair, the fight one if you want to transform your sweet bookkeeper into the best murder machine in the game. -Higher Education is incredible indeed. -After that, I would upgrade Magnifying Glass and Old Book of Lore. Leaner and meaner both. -You could then afford Pathfinder (incredible card) or Disk of Itzamna if you feel overwhelmed by enemies. -Please please please don't play Song of the Dead.

Good luck out there, Arkham is a cold place for a lone Daisy.