Daisy Walker Battle-Mage (Event Based Killer) Upgraded

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Dagorha · 610

This is the fully upgraded version of this deck: https://arkhamdb.com/decklist/view/47296/daisy-walker-battle-mage-event-based-killer-lv0-1.0

Welcome to Battle-Mage Daisy, Event Edition. Your main role for this scenario/campaign is the monster killer. That's right, ignore that 5 Intellect folks, we will not be making much use of it. Instead, we are going to throw some cardboard at enemies and make them disappear. When our kit is fully completed, we will be able to perform an incredible 21 damage turn. We will average out at about 5 damage per single attack. Soon, my dear reader, the encounter deck will be afraid of you. Now let's go over the basics

The core of our deck is Farsight, Gray's Anatomy and Raven Quill. Gray's Anatomy increases damage output, Farsight lets us play our damage dealing events Fast and Raven's Quill pulls it all together to let us ignore Attacks of Opportunity to activate Gray's Anatomy, increases our intellect when we test Gray's Anatomy and Unexhausts Farsight for more activations. Our ideal chain goes something like this

Daisy Free Action: Use Gray's Anatomy and pass by +3 Free Action (Activating Farsight): Play Blood Rite for 6 damage. First Action: Use Gray's Anatomy and pass by +3, unexhaust Farsight. Free Action (Activating Farsight): Play Blood-Rite for 6 damage Second Action: Use Gray's Anatomy and pass by +3 Free Action (Activating Farsight): Play Blood Rite for 6 damage Final Action: Attack using Occult Invocation for 3 damage

Final damage total: 21

Most of the time you will likely be Daisy Action Gray's Anatomy into Farsight Damage Event for about 5 or 6 damage, perfectly being able to deal with most normal enemies without actually having to use any of your normal actions to do so opening your turns up to do other things namely, investigating or drawing cards to keep your hand full. Blinding Light is especially useful for helping to deal with large bosses by keeping them evaded until you can manage to have a turn to wail on them.

The biggest hurdle to overcome is passing tests. Daisy's 3 Willpower is less then spectacular but we have a lot of cards in our deck to help with this. Blood-Rite doesn't care about your stats, Spectral Razor starts at 5, as does Occult Invocation. Blinding Light is the only tricky one but to that end we have Higher Education, recently off the Taboo List, Mouse Mask, St. Hubert's Key and David Renfield which can all provide good boost.

This deck is resource hungry and event focused so we are playing a plethora of economy to keep everything chugging along. I won't go into them in particular, just know that after a certain point Cryptic Research will enable some level of deck cycling and you can get back a lot of the cards you played in the early game. You don't need to worry about it, you'll likely see your entire deck possibly several times during the course of play.

Early game it's important to get setup as quickly as you can, focus on your economy, drawing cards, playing cards and get your kit online. Staying alive and keeping your partner alive is still your priority so make sure you don't get too greedy and get yourself in a bad spot just because you wanted to draw a few more cards. All in all this should be a pretty easy deck to pilot and prove surprisingly strong to anyone not used to this style of deck.

If you are looking for ways to upgrade further, Knowledge is Power is always a strong card. Studious and E-Cache(2) will help you get setup quicker. Prep Sketches(2) doesn't add curses to the bag over Deep Knowledge. And that's all I have for today folks, happy hunting :)


Feb 26, 2024 dapamdg · 1

LOVE THIS. I have been looking for a good combat Seeker.

Any reason not to prefer Hypnotic Gaze to Blinding Light? It cancels the attack, rather than evade, but there is no test and it looks like with this build, a cancelled attack is as good as an evade.