Kate plays Arkham on story mode

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

bayushi_david · 199


Do you hate playing Arkham Horror? Does drawing a mythos card fill you full of dread? Maybe the drawing from the Chaos Bag stresses you out? Is it that the story excites you, but you can't bear the thought of failing? Or maybe a friend or significant other REALLY likes it and you haven't the heart to say no when they suggest a game?

Well fear not. I have the deck for you. Once setup you don't have to engage with the mythos deck or chaos bag in any meaningful way. You just can just enjoy the story and stay in one location whilst blanking any treacheries and killing enemies just by drawing cards. Your friends will probably have to go and pick up some clues, but that's fine. They enjoy this game, right?

The deck has two key parts to deal with treacheries and monsters respectively - with the rest of the deck being card draw and search to find the combo cards, and skills and a few science cards to pass the one test we need to pass to get setup.

Blanking the encounter deck

Ravenous Myconid: Sentient Strain is the first key card. This will let any investigator at your location discard any non-weakness treachery. In theory this is limited by growth tokens and the shroud of your location. Enter Breach the Door which reduces the shroud on your location (and therefore the cost of discarding treacheries) to zero. And since Ravenous Myconid requires growth tokens "equal or less" than the shroud of the location, you don't actually need any at all to use the ability. So, as long as we sit on our location we are safe from treacheries.

But what about other players? Well, Ravenous Myconid can be used by any investigator at your location. So as long as they stay with you they are safe. But at some point they'll have to go somewhere else and pick some clues up or something? Enter Prophesiae Profana. Designate your location as "the locus" and all you need do is take the last investigator phase and you can spend your turn moving your colleagues back to safety in time for the mythos phase. Shortcut will let them run away and do useful things before you move them back again.

Killing monsters

But, I hear you say, what about monsters / enemies / dark creatures from the void which aren't treacheries? Ancient Stone: Knowledge of the Elders is your answer. Between your skill cards and Flux Stabilizer's ability to throw clues at skill tests you should be able to pass the initial test at a high value. And in later scenarios all you need to do is draw cards and reycle the Stones to kill anything that crawls out of the encounter deck without worrying about annoying tests and things. At a Crossroads is particularly effective at drawing three without attracting attacks of opportunity.

So, there we go. Enjoy not playing the game until someone gets around to taboo'ing Ravenous Myconid to require a shroud value "less than" the shroud of a location instead of "equal or less than".


Mar 24, 2024 NightgauntTaxiService · 332

I'm not liking the deck itself, I agree with you that it looks phenomenally unfun, but I do appreciate the way you've called attention to the problem Ravenous Myconid - Sentient Strain poses to the game's balance. Like I told my brother today, it's hard to tell which upgrade of Ravenous Myconid is more broken, and as you've shown Sentient Strain can literally allow you to play an infinite number of A Test of Will. To put it another way, ignoring 90% of treacheries from the encounter deck is competitive with the main other upgrade, not absolutely better than it.