Ville's: Yorick's arkham horror chainsaw massacre

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Ville · 65

A item and combo heavy investigator thats a great fighter who poures bless tokens into the chaos bag. Aswell as beeing pretty much good at every thing else.

Fight: First scenario yorick will use a vanilla .32 colt and machete combo for fighting. But right about the second scenario the chainsaw Will Come in to play to cut through your enemies. The chainsaw Will be resupplied using the cleaning kit and emergancy cache (3xp). Yorrik is a strong fighter and togheter with one or more ancestral token Therese Will be a constant flow of bless-token to the chaos bag and allow a combo with rite of sanctification to help the party with and expenses. Later on Relic hunter Will make it possible to have cleaning kit and two ancestral token at the same time. Later on the covenant upgrade Will help to keep bless tokens into the chaos bag.

Investigating: Lantern is the starting card to improve Yorricks investigating. It might not be much on it own but with improvments with cards like reliable (1xp) and matchbox aswell as winging it and later on plucky (3xp) yorrik Will turn into a master cluefinder.

Many hands: To be able to play both chainsaw and lantern you must first find them. One way is described in the next heading another way is to use backpacks to serch your deck. Secondly you must be able to play them at the same time. This is done eiher by attaching tinker to your assets or toolbelt if tinker is not avaiable. Later on bandolier (2xp) Will help you to with chainsaw lantern combo.

Yorricks special/elder-token abillity and short on supply: This combo makes it easier to find the cards like chainsaw, tinker, backpack and so on that yorrick needs and maybe wont get during mulligan. The special ability Will also make it possible to replay cards like match box, cleaning kit and leather coat (boost health). Resourceful May also Come in handy with short on supply.

Mulligan and geared up: Yorrick should strive for a weapon, lantern later on tinker during mulligan. Yorrick should also strive for cards like backpack and scoffners catalouge, a combo togheter with geard up that May allow yorrick to play up to 11 cards during the first rund.

Other cards: Wolf mask gives yorrick a extra boost and tracka shoes gives a small boost and extra mobility. Good to use during mulligan or with special ability. Bury them deep should not be used right away, try to save it for tanks during in the first acts of a scenario before they get back into the encounter deck.

Upgrade: Backpack -> Backpack (2xp) 0.32 colt -> reliable (1xp) Machete -> chainsaw (4xp) Emergancy cache -> emergancy cache (3xp) Winging it -> plucky (3xp) Relic hunter(3xp) Tool kit -> bandolier (2xp) Ancient covenant (2xp) Leather coat -> Black cat (5xp) Ancient covenant Sacrédeus covenant