Wilson Richards the Expert Evader xd (Spoiler free)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

lovertai · 33

The deck is entirely built on this FAQ:

Q: How does Pushed to the Limit interact with Fire Extinguisher (3) that's in my discard pile if I choose to exile Fire Extinguisher instead of discarding it? A: Since Pushed to the Limit ignores all costs of resolving the ability on Fire Extinguisher, you would resolve the ability without paying the “cost” of exiling Fire Extinguisher, instead shuffling it back into your deck after evading. (March 2024)

(The deck is not my real deck. My blind run includes chainsaw, cleaning kit, 2 matchbox, and microscope (currently after the longest night), and the side deck is too messy)

Wilson has access to Fire Extinguisher, Pushed to the Limit and Taunt. With that in mind, you can:

  • Beat non-elite consistently at 7 fist with wolf mask + fire extinguisher

  • Exhaust elite and boss long enough (2+ rounds) such that they don't really matter.

  • Taunt has two functionalities: First, if the enemies are engaged with your teammates, taunt saves your actions, which is the original purpose of taunt.

  • Second, taunt can engage the enemies exhausted by the effect of Fire Extinguisher or prepare to engage new/aloof enemies such that you can play Push to the Limit to flush non-elite to discard pile

  • You can reliably make the combo once with Sttp, and often twice in late-game with backpacks (Fire extinguisher will be reshuffled to deck) and the card draw provided by taunt, hallowed mirror, daring and overpower.

  • First Watch has two functionalities too: before the turn you plan to play push to the limit to prevent awful encounter card, or maximise the benefit of mass evade/discard.

  • You cannot kill bosses, and you hate to spend actions on elites. But in expert difficulty, only a few investigators can reliably do so.

This deck perform the duties of the guardian role in two ways:

  • In early game, you can kill non-elite (my original deck has more weapons but this deck is to share an idea)
  • In late game, you can't really deal damage, but with first watch, taunt, guard dog, fire extinguisher and push to the limit, you can save the precious actions of your teammates in 2-4 crucial rounds.

To alter the deck:

  • Add Chainsaw with Cleaning Kit + Well Prepared for more stable damage per round. Consider adding bandolier too
  • Add Sledgehammer + Strong-Armed for dealing 14 damages in one round
  • Add Well-Maintained to recur backpack or Fire Extinguisher
  • Add Dynamic Blast because you can gather every enemy in one place and just walk away
  • Remove Pocket Multi Tool + Fine Tuning, I found it less useful in expert difficulty. You and your teammates tends to overcommit or not commit at all.
  • Add Surgical Kit or Microscope(4) if you are dedicated to make this combo twice per scenario. You will be having free actions

May 20, 2024 knoxb · 26

I wonder if just throwing in dynamite or the never-used grenades could handle elites at the end of the scenario?

May 22, 2024 lovertai · 33

In my experience, you can (not including the boss). The problem here is we often don’t have enough resources - We get extra 3-9 card draw by taunt to play first watch, melody and push to the limit